Yes, I believe their training does need to be expanded. I believe there already is cultural sensitivity training for law enforcement agencies. However, it doesn't seem to be very effective.
When I first launched this system, they all thought it was a great idea. Did they actually use it? Not really. It took my constant persistence, and then the communities got involved. We had an incident that was related to criminal activity where there was a large police presence in the community. One of our chiefs looked out his window, and there was a police officer with an AK-47 on his front lawn. He didn't know that this was happening. He called me immediately and said, “Why didn't you send an alert?” I can't send an alert for something I don't know about.
Bridging the gaps with the police agencies has been a difficult challenge, and still ongoing to this day. They are getting much better, but we definitely need to push it a little bit further. If it means more cultural sensitivity training, maybe that's what it needs to be.