Madam Chair, when you say “Giganawenimaanaanig”, just imagine yourself canoeing down the Red River, which is where I am today. The waters aren't open yet, but they're getting there.
Thank you for this opportunity to present today on the red dress alert at the standing committee.
The safety, protection and well-being of indigenous women, girls and gender-diverse relatives are essential to creating a better country. The final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, “Reclaiming Power and Place”, outlined a central finding of genocide, and had 231 calls for justice that would create transformative change for indigenous women, girls and gender-diverse relatives.
It is critical that the red dress alert, or whatever you choose to name it, be implemented immediately. I, along with many of my colleagues who are at the table, held consultations over the winter to hear from community, distinctions-based representatives, political organizations and community-based organizations about what an alert system means, what it could look like and how it should or could be implemented.
What is clear is that an alert system must be co-developed and co-led by indigenous relatives. Beyond an alert, support to the community and to families of the missing must be in place. For people who are actually going to look for the missing, people who are going to support families during the process and people who will support those who have been located, there is a requirement for wraparound support. Each one of those functions also requires training to ensure that communities and families have the capacity to support one another.
The alert system, when it is implemented, should take into account regional disparities and very clearly have an accessible approach, under which technology, language and community are considered.
Indigenous people living in urban areas have been largely ignored, erased or undermined and have been silenced under the current distinctions-based approach. There must be respect for full inclusion of the urban indigenous population.
We in Giganawenimaanaanig have been working on a data project, which we call a story map. It clearly outlines that many of those who have gone missing or been murdered in our territory have come from communities but have relocated to urban environments for medical or education reasons or to escape poverty and violence. Many of these relatives have become vulnerable and have been targeted by perpetrators of violence. I could share many anecdotes that would illustrate the ongoing systemic violence. However, there isn't time.
It should be considered that many of our relatives are indeed internally displaced persons under the meaning of the UN refugee convention of 1951. In fact, we must provide support in a manner that acknowledges the human rights and international conventions of our relatives.