Thank you, Madam Chair.
I want to thank all of you for your testimony and for all of the work you do.
If there's one takeaway from what each of you has said, I think it's this issue of trust: The system needs to be trusted, and that is not easy to do. That is what I'm taking away from some of your testimony.
I'd like to pick up on something I think Ms. Augustine and Ms. Omeniho both touched on, and that is the role of the public. In my mind, when we talk about a red dress alert, the idea is it should be like an Amber alert where everybody's eyes would be out there searching to multiply the chances that these women will be found. Your testimony points out, and I think rightly so, that there's racism and bias in the public, and the trust issue we talked about might also be a distrust of the general public. Then you get into privacy and issues like that.
I'd like Ms. Augustine to comment on that first, and then Ms. Omeniho. Anyone else who wants to jump in is welcome to as well.