Thank you, Shelby.
I want to start by saying something that is not directed at you.
I do find it unfortunate that the current Conservative leader has removed a smart, competent, progressive Conservative woman as the chair.
It makes me sad, because Karen Vecchio has given her heart and soul to this committee. She was on the committee for nine years, seven as chair. I served for the first four years on FEWO with Karen. We did important studies. The very first bill studied by the status of women committee was Rona Ambrose's bill on sexual assault, and last year, I know for a fact, Keira's law would not have passed if it hadn't been for Karen's leadership.
She has relationships with women's groups across Canada. She has ensured that trauma-informed questions are asked, not only at this committee but at others, and she's always worked with women's safety and well-being ahead of any partisan interest.
I have no doubt that will continue under your leadership, Chair, but I do want to thank Karen, from the bottom of my heart, for her leadership and for all that she's done for the women of Canada.
Thank you, Karen.
My questions are for Public Safety. I'm the former parliamentary secretary for Public Safety and I find it really disturbing that you come here and say that you're not the lead on this.
You are emergency management, and I do feel that Public Safety really needs to start engaging in this more and taking this seriously, because a lot of what we need to do when it comes to the alert system rests with you. There's only so much that Crown-Indigenous Relations can do, and I'm really grateful that Marc Miller and Gary Anandasangaree have taken the lead on this, but it's time that Public Safety did as well.
Pelmorex has shown me their system. They're located in Oakville. If we wanted to add the red dress alert tomorrow, to Michelle's point, it could be done. They issue the alerts but they don't determine who does. It's a bit of a secret committee, this SOREM committee.
Can you tell us who's on that committee? Are there any indigenous people or are there any first nations police services on that committee?