It is a factor to be considered.
I would say that of the models we have looked at, several offer flexibility. For example, it would be the communities that would decide whether they want to be involved in the alert system or not. The system would not be imposed.
If we move ahead and we choose that kind of flexible model, it would enable us to build trust within the communities. That does not mean that a majority of the communities would participate in it, but a number of communities might be very open to the idea of considering it, as long as they are allowed to participate in defining the parameters, management of the system is transparent, and indigenous voices are part of the governance of the model.
It is not a system that would be completely developed outside the communities, without the help of indigenous peoples. In fact, we would not consider a model like that. What is needed is to make sure the communities have that flexibility, to say whether they choose to participate in the system or not. They should be able to withdraw from the project if they see something or a situation that is of concern to them.