Absolutely. I will take it up from recommendations for the changes I was talking about.
Can things be addressed and changed for folks like Maria, whose survivor story I was sharing with all of you? A few things can change. One of them is the comprehensive training for our criminal justice system and our family law system actors to help them better understand and respond to coercive behaviour cases. We need increased diversity among our justice system professionals to bring vital perspectives and foster trust with survivors. We also need to ensure sustainable access to justice resources. Supporting organizations like ours that offer legal services can make a significant difference to a survivor's experience with the legal system.
Public legal education plays a vital role in empowering individuals and communities to recognize and respond to coercive behaviour. Integrating risk assessment into a legal proceeding is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of survivors and informing decisions regarding protective measures and support. We find there is a lack of collaboration between the stakeholders, which is essential to develop comprehensive risk management plans tailored to the unique needs of survivors who are affected by coercive behaviour.
In conclusion, I would say that addressing coercive behaviour requires a multi-faceted approach. By implementing these recommendations, we can create an environment in which survivors like Maria and our previous witness can receive the support and justice they deserve.
Thank you. I'm here to answer any questions.