Thank you for that. I think one of the pieces that we have to dance around is that the toothpaste is out of the tube in terms of kids having access to social media and having phones at younger ages. I'm still not sold on the fact that the government's telling parents how to do that, but I also see the very negative implications of kids on their phones and screens and the addiction parents have to their cellphones.
We know that confident children are braver regarding predators—children who have higher self-esteem, children who are accomplishing things. That comes through sports. That comes through activities. That can come through theatre, and we have fewer kids ultimately doing these things because they're staying home. They're playing video games. They're stuck on screens. They don't know how to interact with people as well as they used to. I would love to see more programming around that, encouraging kids to get outside and disconnect to connect, basically.
I think my time is up, unfortunately.