We do have those concerns. There are two things that are important, maybe three. First, any criminal bill will not help victims who don't go and report or if there are no charges or no convictions. It can be even worse if there are no convictions, because then there's the suspicion that she lied.
The other thing is that even when there's a conviction for family violence, the courts are still using that parental alienation trump card and finding that in spite of the conviction or a guilty plea, the mother needs to move on and the child needs to love the father. That's happening, including in cases where we've been involved.
The third thing that might happen is that abusers will claim that the mother's protective behaviour is alienation and that it's itself a form of coercive control. We're seeing abusers reusing that language, which they often do, using equality language to twist it. The priority for many women who have children is first to separate safely, and the criminal justice system doesn't interact directly with the family justice system, so it's not enough to help them separate safely from the abuser and protect their children.