Without training, without awareness about what it is, I'm not sure, but if you provide some tools, if you provide some information, if you do some sessions with different stakeholders, then you could be prepared for that.
I gave a presentation to the National Judicial Institute with judges. This is my third presentation in three years about coercive control, and they're looking at how they can see this in their profession. You already see there's a willingness to learn more about this, but we also need to recognize that it's not just the justice system that needs to be better equipped; it's also the health care system and social services that will need to be better equipped. I mean, everyone who is going to work with survivors and abusers needs to better understand what we're dealing with. It's a big undertaking, but it's one step at a time, and if I can surf on what Madame Pigeau was saying, we don't solve the issue overnight. We are dealing with systemic issues as well, so we need to take this into consideration.