Thank you very much.
I would like to thank all of the witnesses. The testimony today has been extremely helpful, not only in discussing how we can remedy this, but also in what exactly it is. I think we've skipped a little in this committee from what coercive control is to what the government can do, to what the justice system can do and how we can educate, but we haven't actually put on the record exactly what it is we're talking about. We've had witnesses here to talk about financial and economic abuse, about physical violence against women, girls, non-binary and gender-diverse people, but what exactly is coercive control?
Before you answer that, specifically right now, to Madam Riendeau and Madam Barrette, you handed out something. I just glanced at it and found it very useful. I hope you will table it so that it becomes part of the official documents of the committee. It talks about monitoring and interrogation, threats, sexual violence, gaslighting, financial abuse, spiritual violence, harassment, humiliation, abuse using technology, blaming, physical violence and isolation. These are things that if you know people who have experienced it, or if you have personally experienced coercive control, you would know instinctively but would not necessarily be able to articulate it or even to describe it, particularly to judges and others.
I'll give you a few minutes to put on the record what exactly we are talking about with coercive control.