Thank you very much. I just have to say that I think this is probably one of the most impactful panels we've had in this committee, and I am incredibly grateful that we have had the ability to create the platform to bring your voices into a process that clearly has been lacking those voices.
Ms. Farber, I just wanted to say to you that I have a feeling that lots of us around this table, and those who are watching, are thinking precisely what you just described. I think you're describing what is probably, in reality, the lived experience of most women. Thank you so much for that testimony. I'm so sorry for what you had to go through.
I want to start my questions with Dr. Seely, because you mentioned that the task force was looking at obsolete technologies and old reports, sometimes decades old, and that it ignored recent observational trial data I think you said that 2.6 million women were in that. I just wonder if you could elaborate a bit on the methodology and the reports and the actual data and information that were addressed by the task force and how that may have led to the flawed results of the task force.