Thank you so much.
I would like to start off by acknowledging that we are on the traditional territory of the Michi Saagiig and the Chippewa Nations covered by Treaty No. 20 of the Williams Treaties.
Thank you for inviting us to speak as a witness at this committee hearing. Specifically, thank you to Chair Karen Vecchio and our local MP, Michelle Ferreri.
Alice Czitrom is our victim services coordinator, and I am Emily Jones, the community development and engagement coordinator. Both of these positions are embedded within Peterborough Police.
These two positions within the service have the unique ability to focus on all three levels of social change, advocacy and supports: “micro”, individual victim support services; “mezzo”, community relationships; and “macro”, political and community strategies. This gives us the ability to hear and understand the issues for individuals, identify system barriers and supports and, ultimately, advocate for change within all levels of government and community systems.
I will now be handing it over to Alice Czitrom to discuss our recommendations to this committee.
Thank you.