Absolutely. Our government is committed to ending GBV in all of its forms, and budget 2021 reaffirmed that with $3 billion.
In talking to my provincial and territorial counterparts, I have found that there is not one approach that works for every single province. This is very much what I call an all-of-governments approach when I refer to my provincial and territorial counterparts, in saying that what is good for Quebec may not be good for Saskatchewan, what's good for Ontario might not be the priority in Manitoba, and so forth.
It's listening to the leaders in each province and territory, understanding that they are in touch with the grassroots organizations—those that are on the ground and that are serving—and hearing and listening to all of that and putting forward all of that information. That has led to the beginning of a framework that we agreed to in January—something quite significant—and I'm looking forward, as my mandate states, to providing a framework by fall.