Thank you for this important question.
Yes, absolutely, it is important that women have access to all the information they need to be able to reach out to receive services. Having our information on fridge magnets, that is key. More so, it has to be a cross-sectoral venture, making sure that all organizations within our communities are aware of all these resources so when there's an immigrant woman who comes to them—it could be a health centre—they're able to provide this information. It has to be a cross-sectoral initiative where everyone is informed of all the resources that are available.
On our part, at Immigrant Women Services Ottawa, we've taken the initiative to have an awareness and prevention initiative where we're connecting with community agencies and reaching out to pockets of immigrant women who are isolated. They're not getting out. They need the information on the resources that are available to them, so if they're not getting it, someone needs to get it to them.
This is one of the initiatives that we're taking, trying to reach out to women where they're at and provide them with information, and at the same time have that cross-sectoral engagement. And we're trying to involve the men, also, because it's not just a women's issue. They have to also be involved and know the ramifications of actions and so on.
Thank you.