I appreciate the heads up.
What Lisa acknowledged is that there may potentially be another vote in approximately 30 minutes. At this point we don't know, so we're going to carry on until the time. Indeed, if the bells do start to ring, then we'll deal with it then.
There is audio feedback. I don't know if anybody else is hearing it.
If I'm speaking, I'm just going to take my earpiece out so I don't hear myself, but if I need interpretation, I'll put it back on.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on Monday, November 27, 2023, the committee is continuing with its study of coercive behaviour.
Before I welcome all the witnesses, I would like to provide a trigger warning. We will be discussing experiences related to violence and coercive control. This may be triggering to viewers with similar experiences. If indeed you feel distressed or need help, please advise the clerk.
For all of the witnesses and for members of Parliament, it is very important that we recognize that these are very difficult discussions. Let's try to be as compassionate as we can with our conversations.
At this point, I would like to welcome, from the Canadian Centre for Women's Empowerment, Meseret Haileyesus, founder and executive director, who is in the room.
We have the following witnesses by video conference.
From Horizon Women's Centre, we have Linda Lafantaisie Renaud, executive director.
From Juripop, we have Sophie Gagnon, executive director, and Justine Fortin, director of legal services.
We have, from Peel Regional Police, Nick Milinovich, deputy chief of police.
From Persons Against Non-State Torture, we have co-founders Linda MacDonald and Jeanne Sarson.
We also have, from Toba Centre for Children and Youth, Christy Dzikowicz, chief executive officer.
We will hear opening statements of up to five minutes from each organization represented here today. The opening statements will then be followed by rounds of questions from all members.
All of the witnesses who are online are here and we will be doing one panel this afternoon.