I don't want to speak for Ms. White.
Just as you described, in the beginning, I suspected something was going on. How was it possible, I thought. It wasn't. You always think it doesn't happen to women in their forties. It affects older women.
I ended up falling into a depression. After being diagnosed, I didn't know what to do. I didn't eat, sleep or move for an entire weekend. I didn't even cry. I thought about my son, my family. What was I going to do? What were the three of us going to do? My cancer was diagnosed late, so it was more advanced. I was thinking about undergoing the mastectomy, going through chemotherapy, being sick, not being able to work anymore, dying, possibly leaving my 13-year-old son without a mother—and all because people thought they knew better or felt it wasn't worth the expense. I went through the whole gamut of emotions, from anger to sadness. I didn't think this could happen to me.