Thank you very much.
I understand that once you go to court, the lawyer is there to listen to the child. The problem occurs when the court authorizes the child's transfer.
How is it that our children are leaving Canada to go to the United States? That's the other question we need to be asking. When parents are separated, you need the other parent's permission to cross the border with your child to go to the beach in the summer. However, children are being taken out of Canada and sent to reform schools in the United States. I don't understand that at all. That's the problem. As long as the case is before the courts, things are okay, since there are actions that can be taken, but once the judge decides to send the child outside the country to the United States, there is no further recourse.
Ms. Mercer, what do you think about all that? Did you know that young people were going to camps in the United States?