I think the paper you're talking about was a piece of work we did in a community as a result of a tragic event in our city. The idea was that we would reach out to men who were at moderate to high risk of reoffending. The lower-end perpetrators were being shuffled into the PAR program. Those higher-risk guys, the ones you're talking about, were hopefully going to be kept in custody, or the police would manage their release.
The idea was that instead of taking women, putting them in shelters, and making children leave their schools and their communities and so on, if you start working with the people who cause harm and really focus intervention on those guys, then maybe you'll have some success in being able to reduce the chances that they'll harm someone else, including their children or their partner.
We found that by using the crisis of being arrested and charged, with access for them to one-on-one counselling or really just basic social work that targets the things that created risk in that man's life, we had fantastic results. Compared with another group of men who were charged and were matched in terms of their risk markers, the chances of violent recidivism against their partner were reduced by 50%.