Good afternoon.
I come before you today to address the weaponization of parental alienation accusations against protective mothers by sharing my personal experience.
“Don't mention abuse. I know it sounds wrong, but don't bring it up. Mothers who are victims of domestic violence don't fare well in family court.”
This jarring warning was the first legal advice I received. It proved prophetic.
Abusers are masters at deflecting blame. Their primary tool is accusations of parental alienation. The family court is pro-contact at any cost. Alienation accusations are taken more seriously than abuse when raised by fathers in family court.
These accusations are designed to allow abusers to masquerade as victims. In my case, I was shocked that my abuser presented the abuse he inflicted as being perpetrated by me, his victim. He projected his actions onto me to reduce the case to a he-said-she-said situation for the court.
Despite his saying he didn't want the child to live and the fact that I had suffered severe physical violence, such as strangulation—a precursor to homicide—I was told he'd still be getting parenting time.
Despite proof of his having missed or rescheduled nearly half of his supervised visits, all he had to do was file again to get unsupervised visits and overnights, based on the assumption that a child should have more time with their father. Abusers just file again until they find a judge to give them the result they want.
When unsupervised contact started, my daughter began disclosing abuse. This disclosure began at two years old. Naively, I filed a motion before the family court, seeking protection to reinstate supervised parenting time. I provided third party proof from our child's family doctor, an emergency room doctor and her day care staff. His proof was letters from his mom and girlfriend, and alienation allegations.
Guess who won. He did.
I was punished through court costs, meaning that I had to pay money to my abuser. Child abuse disclosures give leverage or benefit to abusive fathers, because they are allowed to use the junk science of parental alienation to their benefit. In fact, the father filed for custody reversal, citing parental alienation. The legal advice was to settle to avoid her being given to him full time. She had never lived with him at any time.
Unverified sexual abuse allegations from the child implicating the father increase the likelihood of a custody reversal. Court and social services professionals are taught to be suspicious of mothers when children disclose abuse. That is the power of parental alienation claims. They effectively silence women and children who are victims of abuse.
We have undergone two separate police investigations, and they failed to find any wrongdoing. However, I faced skepticism when I met with the police, who often lack training in domestic abuse dynamics and abuser tactics. Instead of providing protection, they sometimes interpreted my efforts to protect my child as evidence supporting the false claims of alienation.
Criminalizing coercive control without banning accusations of parental alienation will simply reproduce this outcome on more women. The consequences of these institutional failures have been profound and far-reaching.
My daughter is still forced to maintain unsafe contact with her abuser, causing ongoing trauma and emotional distress. I've endured ongoing abuse through our legal system and face financial strain, job loss and health issues due to constant legal battles. The emotional toll of watching my child's distress, fearing repercussions for reporting abuse and the constant threat of losing custody of my child, is overwhelming and unbearable. I long for the day we will finally be free.
I'm not alone in this situation. Countless women are experiencing this violence.
In conclusion, I urge this committee to recognize the detrimental part that parental alienation plays in the cycle of coercive control. When you consider legislation on coercive control, I implore you not to pass any law that fails to include a ban on allegations of parental alienation by abusive fathers.
Please don't leave us behind. These accusations have become one of the most powerful tools for abusers to use to maintain coercive control and weaponize our legal and social systems against women and children seeking safety.