Thank you so much.
Some of the testimony today has me thinking about the real lack of investments from the Liberal government on this very important issue.
I just was googling this: In 2019 there was only $2.5 million over three years to keep children safe from online harms. In 2023 they were willing to put $50 million over five years towards ParticipACTION for kids, but there was only $2.5 million over three years to keep children safe from online harms.
I'm thinking about the future. I'm thinking about some of the testimony I heard today and how important it is that we have healthy kids and healthy boys growing up, and healthy women.
I would like to go back to witness Jeshani, who talked about some of the education that's happening in school. I was thinking about this. If the federal government can have a campaign on online harms—a minimal campaign—and a larger one on ParticipACTION, getting kids out to exercise, could the government take on awareness campaigns to help educate kids at school about healthy relationships?