I would just add that it's deeply unpopular to fund work with perpetrators and sex offenders. It makes people uncomfortable: “Why am I taking money away from this cause to give it to a child molester?” It's because that will actually keep us safer, and I think we need to have the courage to have the difficult but important conversation about why we need to invest in rehabilitation.
Wife-beaters, to be blunt, do well in prison because there are no wives to beat. They're not actually being rehabilitated. They're being told, “Look at you. You were wonderful. Your behaviour was fantastic, so we're letting you out early.” There's no recognition of how this isn't just an animal who's violent on a whim. There was a clear motivating factor of misogyny that allowed him to behave that way. That's not currently integrated into our current corrections system. It would be wonderful to see.
To Lenore's point, finally, during the #MeToo movement in the last few years, we did a tremendous amount of work talking about who could be a victim but a poor job of talking about who can be an abuser. I would love to see some real, honest conversations about that.