I didn't get a chance to answer, so thank you for bringing it back to that conversation.
We know that the factors that keep women stuck in dangerous and abusive and violent relationships have gotten worse. Those are things like affordable housing; access to stable jobs; access to child care, although there have been some improvements in communities; transportation; and just difficulties in life. We know, particularly postpandemic, that things feel very hard in communities. We know that a lot more women are remaining in situations in which they're experiencing abuse, because the alternatives feel very, very hard and scary, or else alternatives are not available.
When I worked at the shelter and we had to turn women and children away, we were devastated. This is a normal thing now. We know that hundreds of women are turned away every day in shelters, so I think people don't want to leave. That's why it's worse. I think things are very difficult for everybody right now, and that will impact survivors.