I'm inspired every day by Canada. We have all of the answers within our reach. We have lots of model programs, some of which you've heard about during the testimony. What we lack is better collaboration between the federal and provincial governments.
I realize there are many things that are provincial or territorial government jurisdictions, but I think the federal government can still play a leadership role in bringing people to the table and sharing resources. There are all kinds of great resources that need to be shared more broadly across the country. There are innovative programs in Quebec that need to be shared with other provinces and territories. There are innovative programs, such as the excellent one we heard about out of Peel region, that are modelled throughout the country. We have to do more to share and collaborate.
I also think you make a very important point about children and exposure to violence. It's also exposure to coercive control. We have to get judges and lawyers to stop thinking that family violence is just physical. We have to understand that it also includes emotional, psychological and financial coercive control. Children are harmed by exposure to coercive control. We have to get the message out.