I do think there is a huge gap in the services offered for young adults. Young adults who need help have to pay out of pocket for specialized services, when, as I mentioned earlier, they have fewer resources than most other young people. I don't want to generalize, but I would say that a majority of these young people have no family network to support them financially. It is therefore very important to provide them with more services.
These services could be offered in workplaces where a majority of employees are young people, such as food services or hotels. If there were employee assistance programs aimed primarily for young people having problems related to a personal trauma, I think that would meet a need. Let's say that waiting lists for these kinds of services would fill up pretty fast.
With that said, two of my student have created a new organization in Quebec City called VIVA Jeunesse, for young people of any age who have experienced bullying or spousal violence. It may be that we will soon be seeing new organizations of this type, at least I hope so.