Thank you for the question. However, there is a part of the question that I won't be able to answer, because my research didn't deal with women victims of spousal violence, but rather with children and adolescents exposed to that type of violence.
Our sample did include a lot of university students. We recruited participants from various places, including Kijiji and Facebook, and also through community organizations that work with youth. We found that we got a lot of responses from students in cégeps and universities.
You're right that it is important to include colleges and universities in the support measures. There are some programs on university campuses, in the form of help for students experiencing a variety of problems. At present, those services are completely overwhelmed. Even where I am, at Laval University, we have had to add resources to deal with the high volume of requests from students on the waiting list. These aren't just spousal violence cases, but all sorts of problems.