I agree with you that in the case of narcissistic perverts, it's a little more complicated.
Ms. Monastesse, you are no doubt familiar with the Hommes Québec network, a Quebec organization. Other organizations have undertaken a similar mission. In my neck of the woods, Beauce, there is an organization called Partage au Masculin. When I was hosting a public affairs radio show 30 or 40 years ago, I invited men to speak on-air. Even back then, we were starting to talk about men and asking them to express themselves. We learned a little more about their reality.
I may be an eternal optimist, but I would like to think that something can be done.
To your knowledge, what is happening in our schools? I ask because the committee did a study on intimate partner violence, and it seems that acting early, talking not just to men but also to young boys, is linked to success.
Are we doing enough outreach in schools?