I think that sometimes we get into this back-and-forth of the chicken and the egg. It's really important to remember that violence is actually the root cause of all of those inequities. It's not the other way around. It's not that the inequity exists, and then violence can happen; it's that violence ensures that those inequities exist. I think we need to start thinking about it like that. When we start thinking about it and addressing it like that, we can look at it like....
Violence is deliberate. It is always a choice. You can see it; when a woman is beaten, it's usually not in the places that you can see. It's unilateral. Somebody makes a decision to do it to somebody else, and then they do it, and it's social. We're all part of that.
We have an opportunity to address those three things in a variety of ways, particularly with the law. If we start treating violence as the crime that it actually is, I think that we also have a different opportunity to address all of these other social ills that come as a result of one person's choice to use violence against another.