Absolutely, I can. I'm a huge proponent of wraparound services and a system of care.
Each individual we see at Harbour House brings in their own unique individual story and is at a different part in their journey. We need to identify what those services are and how we can help support them, because it's not a linear problem. We often see individuals who have experienced various forms of abuse, whether physical, financial or emotional. We need to be able to provide services that include mental health supports, financial literacy services and opportunities for them to get their ID cards and bank cards, or a bank account if they've never had one before. These are critical pieces to provide an individual with independence, which they may not have had before.
Quite often what we see in shelters is a siloed approach, and we need to expand that and have that collaborative wraparound approach so that we are able to address all of these different intricacies that are affecting these individuals.