Women are scared precisely because they know that, when a man is arrested after being reported and then asked to sign a recognizance under section 810 of the Criminal Code, he will be immediately released. He is not put in jail. Women know that. What happens then? The stories are all over the TV news: femicide, the youth protection branch steps in and takes the children away from their family, and so it goes.
In my view, what it always comes down to is the basic design of the system. A violent man never has just one victim. Even if he goes to jail, he'll get out and inflict violence on other victims. I firmly believe that violent men need specialized therapy for violent men. That is our only hope of changing things.
We have to address the behaviours of violent men and try to understand what they are rooted in. I'm not talking about narcissistic perverts because, as I've always said, you can never change someone with narcissistic perversion. However, men who grow up seeing impulsive behaviours can become impulsive. Most children who grow up in families that experience domestic violence become violent people. That cycle has to stop. All of these people need help. Women need to rebuild their lives. Men need help to deal with their violent behaviour. Children need help too.
As soon as the police are called in, the violent man should be put into a facility.
I want to thank centres for women. I always say how lucky we are to have them. What do we do about the men, though? If they are left to their own devices, if no one works with them, they are never going to change. Throughout the course of their lives, they will leave more and more victims in their wake. They will become more and more violent.
When you look at the history of every man who ends up killing a woman, you see that there were many victims along the way.
In my case, after I was left for dead, my attacker victimized seven other people.