Catch and release is not something that I will recommend. It's not my recommendation. A person who is violently hurting his partner should be put in jail for a very long time so that it affects his life and he learns what he has done wrong.
One thing that did work, MP Roberts, in India is a system in the jails called vipassana. It's a very strong therapy that strong criminals are given, and it brings about amazing changes in these criminals. It's a great therapy. A partnership, the PAR program, is also very, very good.
What I'm trying to say is that these criminals should not be given bail. Once they are put in jail, they have to go through lifetime or full-time mental counselling, and they require some sort of serious therapies to impact their mental state.
There are many, many criminals who have done horrible things. They are in jail. You can't change them. A majority of them can't be, but we have to use proper therapy. They still have to be in jail to be transformed. We cannot let them out, because if the law is soft, then these criminals will continue doing what they're doing, but if the law is changed and becomes stricter, you will see a reduction in domestic violence. You will see reduction in assault.
Sexual assault is so very common in this country that we can't even imagine. If you scratch somebody's life story, you will definitely find that there was some sort of sexual assault going on. Why is it going on—why, in this country? Why are the women not safe in this country?