Thank you so much.
Unfortunately, we've had a stalemate in the House and nothing's going through right now, which is deeply concerning.
The other thing I find concerning—I'm just going to share this—is that I find a lot of the laws and positions are being based on ideology and not research and fact. I see that more and more, and I think, particularly when we're talking about gender-based violence and rehabilitation so that we can have safer communities, we are moving further away from that because of things like the gun lobby, as one example.
I want to ask a question of you, Madam Dawson. In some of your research, one of the statistics I found really troubling is that in 2020, women aged 54 to 64 comprised the largest portion of victims, followed closely by those aged 25 to 34 and then those aged 35 to 44.
I found that striking. Is the perpetrator an intimate partner in those cases or are they another family member?