There are two things. One is the gross underfunding of all of these programs and services. It looks like a lot of money, but when you look at the actual population and what it covers, it's grossly underfunded across all socio-economic conditions. We know that through lots of litigation.
Number two, not only do we have to increase that funding so that it's not racially discriminatory, but we also have to put funding to where we're not putting funding. This is in things like supporting self-determination, the implementation of our laws, supporting indigenous women to be decision-makers, to be on every decision-making body that there is and to be able to have alternatives to pipelines. It can't simply be, “Here, it's a pipeline or you go to jail.” There has to be....
Maybe some indigenous women want to engage in green tech, green energy and all of these other things. It's about the paternalistic control of what our options are and not giving us any control.