We had resources so that when a court order was defied, I was able to address that, or when a frivolous motion was brought. Many of these motions were brought in a very litigious fashion by my ex-partner as a means to cause me distress in responding, but we were able to respond legally.
The unfortunate thing is that many victims of violence are not in a position to be able to do that. I was fortunate that I had the resources to be able to pay the lawyer at that time. That's one reason why we're speaking out: It's because there are many survivors of violence who are voiceless and who may not have that ability to respond if a perpetrator has taken a child and run off with them for weeks at a time. That requires a response.
There are many systems in need of reform. I know that here today we're supposed to be talking about judicial education, so I will keep focused on that, but there are many systems in Canada that are failing survivors of violence and children and are in need of reform.