Absolutely. I think education is really key to giving the professionals in the system the tools they need to make decisions that put child safety at the forefront. There's an entire body of literature and domestic violence expertise. For example, the centre for family violence in London, Ontario, has people who have studied this.
I'm a physician, but I had palliative care training. People sometimes wonder if that's enough to meet what is needed, but actually I did a year-long, very comprehensive fellowship to become a palliative care physician in Canada. The same level of expertise is what we need to be giving to children and to the people who are making these decisions.
The education is of course urgently needed for judges, but also for child protection workers and really for any professional who's involved a family court case, such as custody assessors or any social worker or psychologist who works on one of these files, as well as police. We can hope that this can be a step and a start and that we will have provinces following suit to implement similar education initiatives. Even in health care, we need doctors to get up to speed to recognize those signs when they have patients presenting in emergency departments or family practice clinics or what have you.
Thank you very much for your question. It's a very important one.