This may include stakeholders involved in the consultation process, the provinces and territories, and sometimes the Government of Canada. That was the significance of the conclusion of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, after all the testimony. The report's 231 recommendations demonstrate the impact it had.
We know it's not an easy thing to sit everyone at the same table. We need to determine who will be involved in this, as well as when, how and under what conditions. The federal government can certainly impose certain conditions, but companies, the provinces and territories must be involved. You've been in politics long enough to know that it is not always easy to do these things when it comes to an issue as serious as this one, which has major economic implications. That's why we're sitting here today.
The fact remains that improvements have been made in recent years. Companies are starting to follow suit and see the problem. They have told me so in person. Nevertheless, the problem and the crisis still exist today.