Thank you so much for that.
My next question is for Ms. Olagunju.
You spoke about your experience. In Winnipeg Centre, 70% of refugees in the province of Manitoba move into my riding. One of the things I've been fighting for is programs for youth, for a couple of reasons. One is that a significant number of young people moving into my community deal with Islamophobia on the regular. It's growing and it impacts people, and what we're seeing in my riding is that as a result of failure to provide support for youth, more youth are joining gangs.
There was a model by a guy named Dr. Martin Brokenleg, and he talked about the “circle of courage”. He said that kids need a sense of mastery, generosity, independence and belonging, and when they don't have that, they'll find other ways to fill those needs.
Why is it critically important to have readily available supports, particularly for newcomer youth who are coming from diverse experiences, sometimes with significant trauma and especially leaving situations of war? Why is it important?