Thank you for the question.
Indeed, one of our recommendations is to double health transfers. However, money is not the only issue; we also need to rethink the health care system.
In its current state, the Quebec health care system is solely curative. Less than 2% of the health budget, which is substantial, is devoted to prevention, which is completely abnormal. We should follow the example of the European Commission, which devotes 34% of its health budget to prevention.
In short, we need a paradigm shift. It is not only a question of money, but also of operation. We must not wait for a crisis. To do this, we need to work in the schools, as Ms. Todd pointed out. We also need to work in the community, because people with mental health problems are often isolated. The people around them can also offer help.
I also come back to the recommendation regarding community networks. Our network includes a hundred or so community networks, and we see on a daily basis all the resourcefulness and innovation deployed to receive desperate people, for whom these networks are a last resort. Unfortunately, these networks are underfunded and too few in number. There is also a whole network of alternative community mental health resources that can act as a buffer before a crisis occurs.