Thank you so much for that question.
I think one thing that sometimes is not well understood is the systemic nature of gendered and sexualized violence. It's not simply interpersonal acts of physical violence. It's also the water that we swim in every day. It's the way in which women and girls are depicted in the media. It's the way that we speak about gender roles. The kind of bullying that happens is often gender-based as well. I think when it comes to fighting the impact of those things, it is more about a systemic approach.
Part of what we do at Klinic is to offer public educational training to school districts and schools. We have visited classes at medical schools, massage therapy schools and things like that. I think those kinds of programs could also be very helpfully extended into elementary and middle schools and high schools as well. I know that there are lots of programs where people come in and talk about consent and all those sorts of things. That should really be emphasized when it comes to fighting the systemic impact of sexualized violence.