I couldn't agree more. We've done much great work on raising awareness, breaking down stigma and addressing the discrimination associated with mental illness and substance use health, but the challenge really is in where you go for help. We shouldn't have a country where, in order to get the help you need, you need to be in crisis. Crisis means going to hospitals to get the care you need. We need to have more cost-effective and community-based care.
The role of the federal government is, in my opinion, in directing resources to provinces and territories to fund community-based organizations. That's that out-of-hospital care that people rely on in community. It's culturally appropriate. It's trauma-informed. It's age- and gender-sensitive. It's integrated youth hubs, for example. Really, it's about ensuring that we're allocating those federal dollars, both through the health funding that is transferred to provinces and territories, and through direct investment through grants and contributions from federal departments to those community-based organizations doing that work.