Forgive me for answering in English. I couldn't find my translation button.
Both Debbie and Jaime have identified something very important. We know the data tells us that these pride centres have this beneficial effect. As neuroscientists, we're always asking why. Here, the “why” is that.... It's something that I was thinking of before when I was talking to Michelle. What we need to do is turn off the stress response.
The human brain can't really do it on its own. We are wired for social engagement. It gets turned off by human contact. That's our primary. One of the reasons we've seen this universal rise during the pandemic is that teens and young women have been deprived of what their brain needs, which is social contact, that intimacy that turns off the stress response.
The problem is compounded by the fact that, in the present culture, they are searching for what.... It's called dopamine hooks. You can get a shot of dopamine from social media. What that does is keep you going, but it does nothing to turn off the stress response. On the contrary, for the reasons that were explained to you first thing today, they are exposed to messages that greatly exacerbate their stress load.
The last point I want to make is that—