Thank you so much.
I want to continue on with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.
Call for justice 3.4 of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls says:
We call upon all governments to ensure that all Indigenous communities receive immediate and necessary resources, including funding and support, for the establishment of sustainable, permanent, no-barrier, preventative, accessible, holistic, wraparound services, including mobile trauma and addictions recovery teams. We further direct that trauma and addictions treatment programs be paired with other essential services such as mental health services and sexual exploitation and trafficking services as they relate to each individual case of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people.
From what you've shared, it's clear that that's not happening. Part of the issue is the funding structures. We saw that with the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling where they said there was “willful and reckless discrimination” against first nations children on reserve by not providing the same funding as for kids residing off reserve—no reason. However, we also see this in the health care system, different allocations of funding.
Would either one of you say that that's an example of systemic racism?