Thank you, Shannon. I'd love to share a few thoughts.
I think that in Canada we actually have quite an asset compared to other systems in that we do have a national coach education system led by the Coaching Association of Canada and its PT partners. I would say that most would agree that coach education in Canada has been really focused on the technical and the tactical aspects of sport and really not with a strong emphasis on the social and emotional aspects of sport—the whole human, if you will, the whole human athlete. While there have been excellent modules and training programs developed, such as Respect in Sport—which, of course, is led by Sheldon Kennedy, an athlete who was abused by his coach—these have not been totally mainstreamed and normalized as mandatory coach education. We're moving there, but if we're talking about disruption, we have to go even further.
Along with that, as everyone has said, there have to be checks and balances on behaviour. If the coach is the ultimate authority over that daily training environment and there's no oversight on that and it's a homogenous group of people.... We know that diverse groups have greater checks and balances on behaviour. If in that environment everybody comes from that same lived experience and that same world view, you're going to have way less in terms of those checks and balances.