I think that it's really important to recognize that there are always going to be abusers. I think, unfortunately, people care about themselves, their own survival, their institutions and how they look, ahead of doing the right thing. Unfortunately, I probably wouldn't have had such a negative and jaded viewpoint before all of this, but that's currently exactly how I feel.
I think we need laws. We need to recognize enablers with the same gravity that we do abusers. At the end of the day, even in our situation, if somebody had stepped up in 2008 and done the right thing, then this wouldn't have gone on as long as it did. It did go on because of those people and all of the people who continued to silence us as we came forward again and again.
I think we need to have laws where there are consequences. Unfortunately, the only way I think you're going to change behaviour is if people are going to personally have ramifications for their bad behaviour. Again, we have a long history now to show of harms being done off people's making the choice themselves of whether to do the right thing or not.