I think the perfect word is “dangerous”.
Because we teach children to obey blindly, you get this situation as we saw with Geneviève, in which she was being physically and sexually brutalized and she didn't even know. It was the same thing for me. When I was 13 years old, I had never heard the word “grooming”. I had never heard the words “child luring”. I had no idea that middle-aged men would want to have sex with teenaged girls or that they would do it very slowly, that they would start with you at 13 and they would slowly pull you in and alienate you from friends, talk to you about boyfriends and act like they were so caring that you would believe in them more and more. They create a loyalty bind, and once they've created the loyalty bind, you find it very hard to report on them. It's like reporting on a family member, plus you oftentimes are dependent on them.
Children need to be taught from a very early age. I'm an educator, and I had to educate myself. I looked at the science. I looked at the psychiatry and the psychology and the brain scans because nobody else was doing it. What I found was nothing short of shocking. I believe that all children.... We have 20 years of research into how the human brain works. We need to start teaching our kids from five years old all the way through the school system so that they become experts in the ways in which abusers manipulate their vulnerable brains.