I just have a couple more questions, but thank you very much for that.
I believe there should be a national registry, and I think you're on the same page.
You said in one of the briefs that you've had 24 complaints at your office already, and 16 are in limbo because the sports authority in that province or the national sport authority or governing body hasn't signed on to your office. The minister has set a deadline of April for these sports bodies to sign, so that you would be able to investigate these complaints further.
Why is it April? Why is it so long from now? I think it should be done now. Time is of the essence. I think we should make sure these bodies sign on or else their funding should be looked at, because it's important to protect our kids. I'd like to have your comments on that. Do you think the timelines are suitable, or should we speed this up so we can make sure we get rid of the bad coaches and that the good coaches have the opportunity to do their jobs?