I'll start off and then perhaps ask Erica to give an athlete's perspective.
I would say that we see a fundamental, strong link between diversity and inclusion and safe sport. If you are able to address what a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment looks like, then you will probably reduce your chances of harm and maltreatment. We believe that they're inextricably linked.
As a games organization, we organize and support, on behalf of Canada, the Canadian Paralympic team for three sets of games every four years. These are the Parapan team, the summer Paralympic team and the winter Paralympic team.
From an organizational standpoint, we would be scrubbing down on all the details during a games period of, for instance, how athletes are prepared through our sport members and in partnership with our sport members before they even go to the games. That's especially for those where it might be their first time heading to the games and their first games experience.
In the village, there are built-in support structures to ensure that the sport managers, athletes and sport-specific teams are well taken care of and that they have a response mechanism should anything be required immediately. Also, at a very fundamental level, even with the number of people, there's room allocation and linkage with the staff.
Erica can perhaps comment from an athlete's perspective and experience.