I think part of it is creating a mechanism, as we have done with the complaints with an independent mechanism. It's hard to be a judge and a party too. When organizations were judging their own performance, they were judge and party, even if they were hiring their own third party. We have seen that it was not working. That is definitely one conflict that is gone.
I think the other one is governance. It's the importance of the board. If you have a board that doesn't really understand their role and they think their role is to just sign on to what the CEO says, you don't have the robust governance that you want. Among the things we are thinking about is whether we need training for board members so that when they sit on that board, they know they are there for the athletes. They're not there because it's fun to go to the party at the end of the year, or whatever it is that they think they get out of that work.