There are different measures that the minister talked about. One of them is obviously the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner and the importance of having a place for athletes to go and be able to be heard. Another is for concrete action and sanctions to be taken against the coaches and against the organization. It's whatever needs to be done. I think that's really important.
To follow up with regard to the provinces, it's important that these mechanisms exist across the country, because the reality otherwise is that they will come at federal level and that OSIC will not be able to provide the support the athlete needs. We don't want that. We don't want any athlete to be turned around.
That's why it's so important to have the provinces either join OSIC or operate their own mechanism, as did Quebec and New Brunswick. There can be no gap across the country that leaves even one athlete without a place to make a complaint and feel that they can be safe and be supported both from a mental health point of view and from a trauma-informed point of view.
I hope that addresses your question.