I want to look at this line.
The minister appoints the people on that board. That board then chooses OSIC, because it's a wedge of that.
I think what I'm seeing—and I think it's the same for many on this committee—when I'm looking at the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada and at the membership that's been chosen—and Pascale, it's definitely not against you; please understand this—is that people in Gymnastics Canada are on this resolution centre board. Then we're also hearing from someone like Ian Moss, who is saying that it was an allegation, not a fact.
I think when we're looking at all of these things, part of the problem is those ties and those connections that seem to be in every single place.
How are the athletes supposed to support something when they know that the person in charge of sports resolution sits on the same board as a person who will not hear their allegations?
Pascale, maybe you can share your thoughts on that with me. Then I'll let you go.