That is very accurate. We see that international students are vulnerable to exploitation.
The list of potential risk factors is almost never-ending. It comes down to a place of not having basic needs met and being socially isolated. You also see the compounding issues of racism, colonialism and sexism on top of that.
There's not one thing to look for. When you look for people who might be vulnerable to human trafficking or be at risk, it's individuals who might be having problems at home. They don't know where they're going to sleep that night. They're not getting consistent food. They're not having stability in their lives.
Again, it's having a country where there is an actual strong and robust safety net for every child to have a safe adult to go to. Not everyone is born into a family where it's their parents. It's making sure that our school systems and community networks are well equipped and framed to make sure that no child falls behind.